Communication Wellness For Couples, M. Iršič
CENA: 29,90 €
Leto izdaje: 2023, 161 strani, Mehka vezava, Jezik: Angleški
Communication Wellness for Couples, Guidelines for Improving Quality of Communication in Families is a communication guide that focuses on the importance of a high quality conversations in relationship.
Based on a transformative approach to communication, Communication Wellness gives you an insight to the power of communication on the quality of interpersonal relationships, revealing ways to improve your Communication skills to ensure that the conversation in your relationship is constructive at all times, or simply to “spoil” yourself in the conversation with your significant other .
The book will improve your understanding of communication and conflict dynamic in general and specifically in couple or family relationships. The book also presents guidelines for consciously improving the chances of having high quality relationship with the spouse or partner and within family.
The book specifically focuses on enhancing the constructiveness of dealing with conflicts and using the conflicts as opportunity for growth and improvement of relationships rather than destruction and alienation.
Beside that, options for support or intervention are briefly described together with some guidelines on how to use them in order to contribute to communication wellness of couples and families.
O avtorju
Marko Iršič je eden vodilnih slovenskih strokovnjakov na področju komunikacije in obvladovanja konfliktov, predavatelj, mediator in trener mediatorjev. V Leuvenu v Belgiji je končal študij iz pedagoških znanosti (Master of Educational Studies), v okviru katerega se je osredotočal na problematiko medosebnih odnosov in obvladovanja konfliktov. Napisal je vrsto poljudnih člankov ter knjige Umetnost obvladovanja konfliktov (2004), Mediacija (2010), Communication Wellness (2017), Conflict Competence (2017), Komunikacijska blaginja (2019), Obvladovanje jeze (2020), Obvladovanje stresa (2021), Sposobnost za konflikt (2022), Knjiga o komunikacijski blaginji (2023).
Leta 2003 je ustanovil Zavod Rakmo, v okviru katerega vodi seminarje in delavnice s področja medosebnih odnosov, komunikacije, mediacije, obvladovanja konfliktov, obvladovanja težavnih strank in obvladovanja stresa doma in v tujini.