NOVO!  The Art of Conflict Management, M. Iršič

Cena: 29,90 €

Leto izdaje: 2023, 246 strani, Mehka vezava






The Art of Conflict Management is a book that will satisfy the demanding and expert reader, as well as the one who has just ventured into the spheres of conflict research and started learning about the art of conflict management. Its author guides us through carefully worked out definitions and theories about conflict, types of conflict and its theoretical characteristics, to the presentation of guidelines for conflict management and the techniques offered for its successful management. (from the foreword of Ana Višnikar, mediator)


The Art of Conflict Management presents a valuable theme about the meaning of conflicts we face within our everyday life and endows us with a collection of knowledge about how to properly deal with them to achieve all the positive aspects of conflicts, such as creative thinking problem solving, personal growth and deepening your relationships ...


The title itself says it all: The Art of Conflict Management - it is an art, because dealing with life is always an art. (from the foreword of prof. dr. Gabi Čačinovič Vogrinčič).




About Conflict Management:


One of the fundamental problems with managing conflicts and misalignment between two or more people is that alignment is assumed, although truth to be told it is anything but self-evident. When a mismatch becomes apparent, instead of finding solutions, we often resort to blaming, violence or cutting off communication. Because we wrongly assume alignment, we are left unprepared and powerless when disalignment or conflict manifests itself. Instead of using such an opportunity for growth and development, or for improving the current situation, the same opportunity is all too often a reason for hostility, violence and breaking of relations, which is the exact opposite of what it could be.




  • Pragmatics of Interpersonal Communication
  • What is Conflict
  • Destructive vs. Constructive Conflict Interaction
  • Types of Conflict
  • Incompatibility - Types and Interactions
  • Internal Conflict and Non-Acceptance of Reality
  • Unresolved Conflicts - Negative Consequences
  • Positive Aspects of Conflicts
  • Conflict Competence - Sensitivity and Tolerance to Conflict
  • Responses to Conflict
  • Guidelines for Conflict Management
  • Conflict Management Tehniques
  • Problem Solving



The book "The Art of Conflict Management" offers extremely comprehensive instructions for organizing and giving meaning to life, which help us renew the guidelines for personal and interpersonal development in one place, while at the same time we learn many new facts that we did not know until now . The book is a wonderful contribution to a kinder and richer world!"

(M.Sc. Manica Jakic, prof. soc. and uni. B.Sc. Pol.)


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