
Anger Management, M. Iršič

29,90 € 

Poštnina: 3,05 €

Leto izdaje: 2022, Mehka vezava





An extraordinary book loaded with practical ideas and strategies to transform anger into creative energy.


Anger is a very useful emotion, but it is all too often poorly understood and consequently inadequately managed. Anger is often associated with destructiveness."Don't get angry!" Or "Calm down!" are statements that we often hear and of course make sense and also indicate the possibility of influencing or deciding what our emotional response will be. The problem with such usually well-intentioned suggestions or requests, however, is that they do not include instructions on how to do this.


This book therefore offers a lot of insights and techniques for changing our responses. The key question here is whether we want to get angry. For those situations for which the answer is yes, the instructions or findings in this book will not necessarily be the most useful.
On the other hand, most people for most situations where they are angry are not angry intentionally, and if they knewhow, they would rather stay calm. For such people and situations, however, this book can be very useful.


The question, of course, remains: How to manage anger and what does it even mean? Often people in an attempt not to get angry deny, hide or even suppress anger, which is by no means the most constructive and can be very detrimental to health. On the other hand, also uncontrolled or uunmanaged expression of anger or acting out is also destructive and harmful to health.
If we hide or suppress anger, we run the risk of bad relationships and dissatisfaction, as well as psychosomatic illnesses (including cancer) and depression. However we also run the risk of psychosomatic illnesses (such as stroke or cardiovascular disease) and damaged interpersonal relationships if we get 'too angry'.
"Anger management" therefore means neither acting out or uncontrollably expressing nor repressing or concealing anger, but the appropriate treatment or choice of response that we are satisfied with, including techniques that help us to stay calm and not get angry in the same situation.
The purpose of this book is to deepen the understanding of anger as a phenomenon, its dynamics, origins and consequences, to present in more detail the factors that strengthen or reduce anger, to help take responsibility for one's own anger and its consequences and to improve the ability to manage anger and express it constructively.



Book Anger Management will provide you with full insight on How to turn dysfunctional responses when angry in to Functional ones.

The book gives a clear and structured insight into the nature of anger and provides simple, yet effective strategies for controlling anger and calming down. You will discover new possibilities of responding, with wich you will be able to make tour life and the lives of your loved ones easier and richer.




- What Makes Us Angry and How Do We Behave Then

- Thing That Makes Us Angry

- Ways Of Expressing Or Acting Out Anger

- The Source Of Anger - The Subjective State

- The Consequences of Anger

- The Benefits of Anger

- Factors That Contribute to Strengthening or Reducing Anger

- What Calms Me Down

- A Transformative View of Conflict

- Transformative Model of Communication

- Observation of Communication And Its Quality

- Guidelines For Anger Management

- Accepting Responsibility For Your Responses

- Awarnes of The Source of Anger

- Select Functional Response

- Techniques for Managing and Expressing Anger

- Trivial Anger Management Techniques

- Behavioral Strategies

- Communication Strategies

- Technicques of Constructive Expression of Anger

- Mental Techniques for Managing Anger

- Changing Patterns

- Goodbye Anger



O AVTORJU / About the Author


Marko Iršič is one of the leading experts in the field of communication and conflict management in Slovenia. He is the founder of The Rakmo Institute, a Master of Educational Studies, Coach, Mediator and Trainer of mediators. He is the author of books The Art of Conflict Management (2004), Communication Wellness (2017), Conflict Competence (2018), Anger Management (2020), Mediation (2010) and 2.nd edition (2020), Stress Management (2021) and The Book on Communication Wellness, 21 Ways to Transform Your Conversations in Business and Personal Life (2021). He obtained the license of Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and has a degree Master of Educational Studies in Leuven in Belgium. He currently works as a trainer in communication, conflict management and mediation.

Mnenja o knjigi / Reviews
"A great guide that describes and collects the processes of experiencing anger, understanding the circumstances and instructions on how to express anger constructively so as not to undermine interpersonal relationships but still express your expectations. To put it somewhat technically the book is like a box of instructions and tools. Everything is available in one place. To develop into a master you need the right tools, practice and perseverance. You just have to be courageous and start practicing, because only you can improve yourself." Barbara Kruhar Lorger, Marketing Manager, KRKA dd, Novo mesto, Slovenia
"I highly recommend reading. The book provides a clear, transparent and structured insight into the nature of anger and provides simple yet effective strategies for controlling anger and calming down. You will discover new possibilities of responding, with which you will be able to make your life and the lives of your loved ones easier and richer." Milan Vujasinović, NLP trainer and NLP coach, director of the NLP Institute
"I'm excited. Great, concise. In the book, everyone can find something. What is even more valuable, they can find the key to themselves. Book offers possible explanations for "familiar responses to situations". It can certainly invite the reader on a path of selfexploration. I will be happy to have it on my bookshelf." Aleksandra Pušnik, systemic family psychotherapist
"Marko Iršič's book Anger Management is one of his many excellent professional writings, in which I always find the right knowledge and advice for myself. Anger is one of those emotions that we hide many times in our lives, we do not dare to express it fully. Through his rich practical experience and professional-theoretical knowledge, Marko Iršič gives us the content of the book in a user-friendly and very accessible way. Thus, in my daily life, his book comes to my mind and heart many times. Be it moments of anger, conflict, or a moment when I’m calming down". Natalija Gros, Former professional sports climber, World Cup combined overall winner 2007, European Champion 2008 and Co-author of the book: With your Head and Heart to the Top
"A wonderful guide for everyone! None of us really want to be angry. Through concrete exercises, Marko Iršič offers us a wonderful opportunity to learn and practice how to deal with our own anger in such a way that it becomes a positive creative energy." Sonja Godec, family mediator and coordinator of social activation, MDDSZ


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