The Book on Communication Wellness, 21 Ways to Transform Your Conversations in Business and Personal Life, Marko Iršič, 2021

CENA: 29,90 €


Priročnik o transformativnem pristopu v komunikaciji, ki razkriva 21 (in več!) načinov za izboljšanje komunikacijskih veščin, nadgradnjo sporazumevanja in graditev dobrih odnosov - vse, kar potrebujete, da postanete še bolj učinkoviti in uspešni ter ustvarjate boljše medosebne odnose, tako v osebnem kot tudi v poslovnem svetu. Knjiga je izšla v angleškem jeziku.


Knjiga temelji na transformativnem pogledu na komunikacijo in nas seznani z načini, kako doseči komunikacijski wellness ali komunikacijso blaginjo - nov pristop za doseganje učinkovite komunikacije.

Ponuja dragocen vpogled v ključno vlogo komunikacije in komunikacijskih tehnik za izboljšanje komunikacije in interakcije z drugimi.

Knjiga vas bo navdihnila in vas vodila na poti, da izboljšate svoje komunikacijske veščine, da prebudite svoje potenciale in si povrnete notranjo moč - vse, kar potrebujete na poti za dosego kvalitetnih odnosov doma in v poslovnem svetu in za vsesplošni uspeh v življenju.

Would you like to better understand the dynamics of conflict and quality communication, and learn how to change destructive interaction to constructive interaction? Would you like to be able to help yourself and others have quality communication and use conflicts as a source of improvement and growth?

If this is the case, this book is for you!

No matter who you are or what your current situation is, regardless of your age, culture, beliefs or religion, this book is full of insights and will help you get better understanding about the dynamic and patterns of conflict, and will equip you with skills needed to turn destructive interaction into constructive interaction, and to further improve communication that is already good.


29,90 € + poštnina (3,05 €) 




The Book on Communication Wellness is an excellent guide on transformative approach to communication, revealing 21(and more)! ways to improve your Communication skills, perfect your Conversations and rebuild Interactions to become more efficient, successful and create better relationships in personal and professional life. This book will inspire you and guide you to upgrade your interpersonal skills, to awake your internal state of strenght and regain inner stability – a way to achieve good personal and bussiness relationships and overall success.




- Transformative View of Communication
- Constructive and Destructive Interaction
- Empowerment and Recognition
- Observing Quality of Interaction
- The Role of Third Parties in Conflict
- Interaction in State of Weakness and Self-absorption
- Communication Wellness
- Assessing the Quality of Communication
- Quality of Communication within an Organization or a Group in General
- Simplified Assessment of Quality of Interaction
- Interpersonal Communication Skills
- Intrapersonal Skills
- Assessing the Quality of Interaction
- Do Not Try to Be Polite; Try to Support Transformation
- Support for Quality Communication
- Training on Communication Wellness
- Transformative Mediation
- Communication Wellness as a Service
- Transformative Coaching
- Referrals and Intervention
- Communication Wellness in Society
- What Can We as a Society Do to Improve Communication Wellness?
- Raising Awareness and Developing Skills
- New Communication Standards




O AVTORJU / About the Author


Marko Iršič is one of the leading experts in the field of communication and conflict management in Slovenia. He is the founder of The Rakmo Institute, a Master of Educational Studies, Coach, Mediator and Trainer of mediators. He is the author of books The Art of Conflict Management (2004), Communication Wellness (2017), Conflict Competence (2018), Anger Management (2020), Mediation (2010) and 2.nd edition (2020), Stress Management (2021) and Anger Management (2021). He obtained the license of Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming and has a degree Master of Educational Studies in Leuven in Belgium. He currently works as a trainer in communication, conflict management and mediation.


Praise for Communication Wellness


"Our society is facing new challenges. One of the major ones is rethinking our communication, including separating the preventive pre-dispute phase from the conflict phase. The improvement of communication quality requires a holistic approach and practical supporting tools. Communication Wellness equips us to face this challenge and is social innovation with measurable impact. You will read this book more than once!" Primož Šporar President of Association of Mediation Organizations of Slovenia – MEDIOS


“Communication Wellness” does a great job of looking at new approaches to understanding, examining, managing, and mending productive and constructive communication." Michelle Zaremba Director of Dayton Mediation Center ,Fellow of Institute for the Study of Conflict Transformation, Author of “The Wheels on Fire”


"Everyone is concerned with physical wellness. More and more people are concerned with mental/spiritual wellness. But very few people even imagine that communication wellness could exist. Marko Iršič’s book brilliantly demonstrates that communication wellness is not only desirable but also that it is possible. Moreover, Marko Iršič shows that it can be fairly easily achieved in organizations and, why not, in your family." Thierry Garby Mediator, Founder of UIA World Forum of Mediation Centers, Author of “Agreed! Negotiation and Mediation in the 21st Century” 


"Marko Iršič has again bundled his knowledge and experience and written a clear and readable book on the importance of quality of interaction, as in being even more crucial than conversation content in having an experience of communication wellness. A must read for anyone who wants to be enlightened about how to improve the quality of interaction in general conversations and/or wants to learn about skills for a more constructive conflict resolution. A wonderful book of high frequency and awareness, which is much needed in our time and age." Reny Tuinstra Mediator and Coach, Founder and Owner of Tuinstra Mediation


"Conflicts also occur in professional sports. Precisely for that reason, it is of utmost importance that athletes deal with their dilemmas or doubts as soon as possible, with quality communication. Consequently, they have the best chances for progress and top results. Communication wellness is the right recipe for long-term success in any field." Natalija Gros Former professional sports climber, World Cup combined overall winner 2007 and European Champion 2008


"Conflicts are a part of our daily lives. It sounds absurd, but conflicts offer great opportunities to develop our mutual relationships. For that purpose, they need to be detected and resolved at their earliest stage. Quality communication can be of great help in that. Communication wellness is proposed as a useful approach to development of the potential for early resolution of situations that can lead to conflict." Stanislav Lenart, PhD Assistant Professor at University of Ljubljana, Former Chief Scout of the Slovenian Catholic Girl Guides and Boy Scouts Association


Zavod RAKMO je ustanovni član:

European Mediation Network Initiative


Zavod RAKMO je ustanovni član:

Združenja mediacijskih organizacij Slovenije - Medios


Zavod RAKMO je ustanovni član:

Evropskega združenja za transformativno mediacijo


Zavod RAKMO je član:

UIA - Word Forum of Mediation Centers


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